Thursday, October 2, 2008

Doggon it, can I call you Joe Sixpack?

The Vice Presidential Debate is over and if your expectations were at an abject low then yes, Palin did well for herself. She was able to speak in full sentences and did not crack. She was able to steer the debate to topics she wanted to discuss ( when she didn't want to answer a question directly (which she pretty much never did). She was the master or mistress of digression. I hope at least some of you out there were drinking as you watched the debates--I wish I had been. If I had been drinking I would have started a drinking game and would have drunk every time Palin said "maverick"-- I would've been hammered. Okay, so Palin is "folksy"-- now why is this good? What I know is not good is that she would remove a woman's right to choose an abortion even if that woman was the victim of rape. What is also is not so good is that under Palin's leadership rape victim's had to pay for their own rape investigation kits. Not so good. This woman is ignorant. This woman is scary. It does matter what she knows (or in her case what she doesn't know) because John McCain is old--very old and could possibly die in office. I would love to have a woman president, but not this woman. I don't even want her as a vice president.

Biden will no doubt be overshadowed by Palin's waxed eyebrows, highlights, and her ability to say words and phrases like "maverick" and "joe sixpack" (What does that mean? That can't be good), but I think he did a good job. He was a gentleman and did a better job actually answering questions than she did. He could have drilled her (go ahead say it--drill Baby, drill), but he didn't. And for all that people discuss Palin's folksy charm, I was touched by Biden's dicussion of being a single father. I think it made him seem more than just a life-long politician.

And Palin...President Bush , it's pronounced-- it's: nu-cle-ar.

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