Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

I attended a preview of the movie "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" Wednesday night and it did not disappoint. Besides the fact that it was free; it was very cute. While I may be closer in age to the characters in the "Sex and the City" movie than the characters in "Nick and Norah," I can definitely relate to the characters in "Nick and Norah" more. Okay, full disclosure--I've never actually seen the "Sex and the City" movie, but I have seen the show and no, that is not my New York. My New York is Nick and Norah's-- seeing bands play in the Lower East Side and in Brooklyn. I loved that the "Brooklyn Pool" bar in the movie was actually Union Pool. I also loved that Jay Baruchel, star of the hilariously endearing show "Undeclared," actually plays kind of a slimey dude. It's good to see him branch out. Once again, Michael Cera, the master at playing a tender young man, gives us facial expressions that made us fall in love with him on "Arrested Development". The whole cast did a great job creating a motley group of friends. Ari Graynor is brilliant as the sloppy, but lovable drunk friend.

This movie isn't earth shattering-- it has it's cliches. It's the tale of a boy who longs for the snotty girl while the cool girl he should be with is right under his nose. While it is a cliche, this sad story is repeated in real life over and over repeating on film is forgivable. With this charming cast you're willing to stick along for the ride in Nick's bright yellow Yugo.

Also, while the movie is called Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" the actual music in the film played a very minor role. I was surprised by how minor of a role it played. Unlike, Juno or a many, many other films ("Chariots of Fire" ?) the music is completely forgettable.

This is definitely a "New York" movie--and I'm pleased with the side of New York that it is showing. It's not about buying expensive shoes, bad fashion, and slurping cosmos; it's about seeing bands, loving music, and realizing crushes.

Critics of the film might knock the fact that this movie is geared towards a very specific demographic, but I say so what? A lot of films are. I'm just glad I'm in that group. I'd much rather hang out with Nick and Norah in Brooklyn at Union Pool than Carrie and Samantha in the Upper East side any day.

Go see this sweet film. It opens October 3.

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