Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jay Leno on Oprah Today

By now, Conan O'Brien is officially no longer host of the legendary Tonight Show. He and his staff of 200 people have left the show amidst the controversy and ugliness of NBC's decision to move Jay Leno back to an 11:35 pm time slot. Anyone who saw Conan's last show knows that he ended the show emotionally with an upbeat message. Despite feeling unhappy about the current situation, Conan sentimentally reflected on his 20 years on NBC. He has appreciated his time on NBC and he was sure to note this. He also noted with appreciation, the creative outpouring of support from fans. He urged fans and supporters to refrain from being cynical (his least favorite trait) and instead stated, "If you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." We see amazing things in your future, Conan.

While Conan has addressed the late night tv debacle head on-- with aplomb, humor (sometimes biting), and grace, Leno has been suspiciously quiet, hardly commenting. Today, on Oprah, he'll have an hour to say whatever he wants to say about the situation. Now, it's no secret that Oprah is friends with Jay Leno, so don't expect a hard driving interview--instead, I would expect the opposite. Still, it will be interesting to hear how he presents his side of the story. I expect his answers to be like his comedy--tepid and empty. Like comedy, it's often about the delivery.

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