Friday, September 28, 2007

Colbert Report's Stephen Colbert Wrist Injury

For those of you who are not devoted members of the Colbert Nation (Burma!) you may be unaware that Stephen Colbert sustained a broken wrist several weeks ago during the taping of one of his shows. Following the lead of Lance Armstrong with his yellow live strong wristbands Stephen Colbert launched a one man campaign to raise wrist injury awareness. Stephen was soon seen wearing a red "wrist strong" wristband of his own. Now you can show your solidarity and wear one too. Your duty to the wrist strong cause doesn't end at simply wearing the wristband-- no, you must then pass the wristband on to someone more famous than you-- thus, increasing more wrist injury awareness. Getting someone more famous than you to focus on important issues really works. I mean, can you honestly say you had even heard of Africa before Bono mentioned it? I mean really people.

Jokes aside proceeds from the sale of the wrist strong bands go to support the families of soldiers fighting in Iraq. For all of you cheapskates just know if you want one for free just be more famous than me!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Everyone should have a pigeon to snuggle up to. I said SNUGGLE. Get your minds out of the gutter, you dirty birdies!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And You Thought YOUR Friends Were Mean

If you're like me you're sick of hearing people such as the corny cronie co-stars of Oceans 11, 12, and/ or 13 regale us with the "hilarious" onset pranks of skeezy geezer George Clooney (Clooney-- He's still got it!). Every time these Hollywood types make another crappy movie with the former Facts of Life star (he played the construction worker friend building the "Over Our Heads" store-- Remember?!) we're subjected to endless anecdotes about what an incorrigible scamp Hollywood's most eligible "It" man is. To this I say, it's time for you and your conventionally handsome jowls to step aside, Mr. Clooney.

Make way for the off- off Hollywood antics of two guys who work here in NYC at They've been engaged in an ongoing and escalating Prank War for several months. They've played six pranks on each far. The lengths (and expense!) these two guys have gone to to humiliate and torture each other is pretty insane. Below is the site of the latest prank, but I recommend you check them all out. My personal favorite pranks are the Human Giant Prank (#5) and The UCB Open Mike Streeter Bombing Prank (#4). The pranks get progressively more intricate and hardcore. Check them all out at your leisure--and speaking of hardcore, tell me-- is it just me or is the embedded audio in the first prank incredibly disturbing?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Michael Cera: SuperGood

This may not be the most current post, but I guarantee that it will be funny. I'm posting an old, or as I like to call it, "classic" video parody by Superbad Arrested Development (WHY? Why were you cancelled so soon?) alum Michael Cera. Allow me to profess my undying adoration for this young man whom I would like to fold up in my pocket in a completely uncreepy way. He was my favorite character on Arrested Development (R.I.P.) with his hilarious facial expressions. By now, everyone has seen the movie "Superbad" and can appreciate the talent embodied in this adorable Canadian lad. If I know the people, the people will want more Michael Cera and I'm here to deliver.

This first video post isn't actually the work of Michael Cera. It's a video resume by some, er, "overambitious" wall street wannabe named Aleksey. I swear to you--this was created without irony. Watch and be stunned and dismayed. I'm including this video as point of reference-- Michael Cera does a parody of it below. Watch this video first. Note: I do feel some guilt about posting this, but well, it is on Youtube already and this wasn't really a private video...there, I've convinced myself!

The real deal:

Impossible is the Opposite of Possible

And here is the hilarious video parody by Mr. Michael Cera of the above video resume. I guarantee you'll laugh. This video is definitely worth watching multiple times.

FYI- there are more funny Michael Cera videos out on the interweb. There's a parody of the "I Heart Huckabees" Lily Tomlin vs. The Director bruhaha (check it out on www. funnyor die-- it was done by Judd Apatow) and checkout Michael Cera and Clark Duke's (star of "Greek") website for their silly series.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Because I Have Basic Cable and Low Standards

While the rest of you were watching quality programs like the premiere of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," my HBO-less little self stumbled upon the MTV Video Music Awards. Now, I know this immediately raises two important questions both of which I will dispatch of quickly: 1) What's a hottie like me doing at home on a perfectly good Sunday night, and 2) MTV still plays videos?

1)Yes, people, even I have to take a night off every once and a almost everyday while .

2) I guess so?

Anyhow, as you might have guessed there was a lot of bad lipsynching as well as a lot of bad gyrating dance-like movements. Most of this was done by Britney Spears. Apparently, this was supposed to be her big come- back from all her head-shaving, cha-cha flashing, bad parenting rehabbing bad ways. Even in a sea of cheesy cringe-inducing musical performances, Britney's performance seems to have been universally deemed the worst. Everything about her performance was awkward-- including the facial expressions of audience members watching it. 50 Cent looked utterly pained and puzzled by what he was witnessing. P. Diddy or whatever his name is these days, looked almost insulted by Britney's sloppy shennanigans until he noticed the camera on him and quickly snapped into polite attention.

Other lowlights included an off-camera scuffle between Kid Rock and Tommy Lee --two people who couldn't seem more musically irrelevant-- I guess over Pamela Anderson, whose only connection to music has been these two tools.

Fear not, the night was saved by a clearly coked- up Jaimie Foxx joking about the melee along with some serious shameless movie self-promotion along with a hint of movie award presenting.

I think Jennifer Garner best summed up my VMA watching experience as she stood paralyzed in fear by her co-presenter Jaimie Foxx's rantings only to then proceed to completely botch up the name of the winner of The Best New Artist Award by calling them "Gym Class Fallout,"--- which apparently was a combination of the bands Gym Class Heroes (F* &k if I know) and Fallout Boy (Ashlee Simpson's boyfriend's band?). Don't worry, Jen, I don't know who the hell any of these people are either. Seriously, every time a musical act came out I shouted at my tv, "Who are these people?!" I would then proceed to flip the channel or mute the volume or go to the can hoping that when I returned I would find Seth Rogen and Bill Hader--who looked bored as hell delivering their lines on how we were to NOT vote for our favorite new artist. Honestly, I think the only musician whose name I recognized for anything besides being in tabloids, was Lemmy from Motorhead. I'd like to think that has something to with something besides my crusty age.

I think the highlight of the show for me was seeing Best Week Ever (etc) comedian Doug Benson (and F.O.S.(arah silverman) ) grinning happily in the crowd and Human Giant comedian Azzis Ansari staring dead into the camera over the shoulder of Bill Hader. It lead me to wonder, if I had the opportunity to go to the VMA's would I have bothered to attend? Yeah, why not? It would be an experience, albeit not a good one, but an experience nonetheless.

Oh, and Sarah Silverman "hosted" (it wasn't really a traditional awards show format). Checkout Sarah Silverman's monologue. It's Sarah Silverman, people, so be forewarned it's crass and offensive and funny. You probably don't want to watch this at work or around your grandparents.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With Too!

  Last night I treated myself to a slice of Jeff Garlin goodness in the form of his new movie, "I want Someone to Eat Cheese With." While reviews have seemed positive to slightly tepid I found the movie thoroughly delightful. I didn't have to strain to like it out fan loyalty-- I genuinely liked it. Now, it's not a roll around on the floor sidesplitter ala "Knocked Up" or "Superbad," but it definitely elicited plenty of guffaws from the audience. The movie has a gentler humor than what we've seen as of late. It's not depressing, but it is somewhat tinged with melancholy. Garlin has a knack for revealing self-awareness without being self-pitying. I must confess, I found myself tearing up at the last scene--which I won't spoil. Funny enough, what made me misty had nothing to do with romance (even though most of the movie revolves around his pursuit of female companionship)-- it had to do with "perseverance."
That's the word Jeff Garlin used when he addressed the audience after the movie. Jeff Garlin in the flesh! When I decided to see the movie last night I had no idea that he was going to conduct a Q & A after the movie, but indeed he did. Lucky me! Most of the questions were pretty banal and boring, but even so Jeff came off as very funny (no surprise) and incredibly humble and sincere. The man seemed so appreciative that we attended his movie. Jeff, it was our pleasure!! One bit of behind the scenes information worth noting: an audience member asked why Garlin didn't just hit up friend Larry David to finance the movie. Garlin made it abundantly clear that he refused to impose upon his friend. He said that the Mr. Skin website partially financed the movie which explained a product placement-esque reference in the movie. I was glad that this was explained for I was surprised that such a reference was included when "Knocked-Up" already had Mr. Skin as a prominent theme. I was relieved to hear that this was done out of necessity instead of rehashing a now hackneyed idea.
I wanted to ask Garlin if he had any advice for an "improvisational actor" (I filched that phrase from Garlin's recent "Fresh Air" radio interview with Susie Essman), but I didn't want to be "that guy" asking such a dorky self-serving question. No matter because in a manner of speaking he answered it anyway. He admonished everyone to persevere. Yup, that makes a lot of sense-- no matter your goal. Could this man be more loveable?
I could gush about the man, but let's get back to the movie. This movie had many themes and people I adore including, but not limited to: icecream, improv, Sarah Silverman, vinyl records, and Amy Sedaris. I definitely recommend you treat yourself to this sweet movie whether you go alone or with that special someone you would want to eat cheese with. Aww.