Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With Too!

  Last night I treated myself to a slice of Jeff Garlin goodness in the form of his new movie, "I want Someone to Eat Cheese With." While reviews have seemed positive to slightly tepid I found the movie thoroughly delightful. I didn't have to strain to like it out fan loyalty-- I genuinely liked it. Now, it's not a roll around on the floor sidesplitter ala "Knocked Up" or "Superbad," but it definitely elicited plenty of guffaws from the audience. The movie has a gentler humor than what we've seen as of late. It's not depressing, but it is somewhat tinged with melancholy. Garlin has a knack for revealing self-awareness without being self-pitying. I must confess, I found myself tearing up at the last scene--which I won't spoil. Funny enough, what made me misty had nothing to do with romance (even though most of the movie revolves around his pursuit of female companionship)-- it had to do with "perseverance."
That's the word Jeff Garlin used when he addressed the audience after the movie. Jeff Garlin in the flesh! When I decided to see the movie last night I had no idea that he was going to conduct a Q & A after the movie, but indeed he did. Lucky me! Most of the questions were pretty banal and boring, but even so Jeff came off as very funny (no surprise) and incredibly humble and sincere. The man seemed so appreciative that we attended his movie. Jeff, it was our pleasure!! One bit of behind the scenes information worth noting: an audience member asked why Garlin didn't just hit up friend Larry David to finance the movie. Garlin made it abundantly clear that he refused to impose upon his friend. He said that the Mr. Skin website partially financed the movie which explained a product placement-esque reference in the movie. I was glad that this was explained for I was surprised that such a reference was included when "Knocked-Up" already had Mr. Skin as a prominent theme. I was relieved to hear that this was done out of necessity instead of rehashing a now hackneyed idea.
I wanted to ask Garlin if he had any advice for an "improvisational actor" (I filched that phrase from Garlin's recent "Fresh Air" radio interview with Susie Essman), but I didn't want to be "that guy" asking such a dorky self-serving question. No matter because in a manner of speaking he answered it anyway. He admonished everyone to persevere. Yup, that makes a lot of sense-- no matter your goal. Could this man be more loveable?
I could gush about the man, but let's get back to the movie. This movie had many themes and people I adore including, but not limited to: icecream, improv, Sarah Silverman, vinyl records, and Amy Sedaris. I definitely recommend you treat yourself to this sweet movie whether you go alone or with that special someone you would want to eat cheese with. Aww.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I couldn't agree more. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie! I hear what you're saying about the ending, L.C. It's a humble scene that in a way incapsulates the overall tone of the movie. Definitely worth checking out.

Nice write-up, by the way. Keep 'em coming!