Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Michael Cera: SuperGood

This may not be the most current post, but I guarantee that it will be funny. I'm posting an old, or as I like to call it, "classic" video parody by Superbad Arrested Development (WHY? Why were you cancelled so soon?) alum Michael Cera. Allow me to profess my undying adoration for this young man whom I would like to fold up in my pocket in a completely uncreepy way. He was my favorite character on Arrested Development (R.I.P.) with his hilarious facial expressions. By now, everyone has seen the movie "Superbad" and can appreciate the talent embodied in this adorable Canadian lad. If I know the people, the people will want more Michael Cera and I'm here to deliver.

This first video post isn't actually the work of Michael Cera. It's a video resume by some, er, "overambitious" wall street wannabe named Aleksey. I swear to you--this was created without irony. Watch and be stunned and dismayed. I'm including this video as point of reference-- Michael Cera does a parody of it below. Watch this video first. Note: I do feel some guilt about posting this, but well, it is on Youtube already and this wasn't really a private video...there, I've convinced myself!

The real deal:

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