Saturday, December 13, 2008

We Love You Amy!

Last night was Amy Poehler's last night on Saturday Night Live. She's amazing. She's an American hero. Saturday Night Live won't be the same without her (well, obviously!). We'll miss her so. But never fear folks! She will be back on tv with her own sitcom. Yay!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy St. Andrew's Day

Oi! I haven't written you in... yonks! Happy St. Andrew's Day!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

You, Me, and Peggy Lee

A few years ago, while eating lunch with a friend of mine and her boyfriend, I learned something interesting. They told me that they had devised a little game between them, where they would name a friend and then decide what era (besides the present) that friend seemed to fit. They decided that I would have been quite at home during the 1940's. When I pressed them for a reason, if I remember correctly, it was because they could imagine me doing some kind of grand musical stage productions of some sort. Weird, huh? Then again, it's no accident that this site is called "the charades." Well, clearly it's not the 1940's, but if you want to know what I and other New Yorkers would have been wearing in the 1940's (and 30's) then consider attending a lecture on the subject December 9th at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Rebecca Arnold will be discussing and signing her book, "The American Look." Reservations are required. Check out the F.I.T. Museum website and look up Special Programs. See you there!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Congratulations, America! We Won!!

Barack Obama wins!!!! History is made!! Yay! Let's get this country back on track!!

Deee-Lite - Vote Baby Vote!

Listen to Lady Kier! November 4th, meet you at the polling station. You'll feel so good after you flip that lever!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Season Premiere of 30 Rock!

While you're supporting hope and change by supporting Obama, don't forget to support smart and funny by watching 30 Rock! Tonight is the season premiere with the hilarious Megan Mullally (ex Will & Grace). Watch it on NBC tonight at 9:30.

Cute for Obama!

If you want to melt the ice from your cold cynical heart take a look at the post from BUST Magazine's website and Shakesville. These pictures are too cute for words.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama Roasts John McCain Alfred E. Smith Charity Dinner

McCain Roasts Obama at Alfred E. Smith (Full Video)

The Maverick and The Messiah

The Alfred E. Smith dinner ocurred last week--but you probably already heard about it. You haven't? Well, you're not alone. I found out last night a friend of mine hadn't heard about it either,so I figured it was worthwhile to write a post about it. The Alfred E. Smith dinner is thrown by the Catholic Archdiocese of NY for the benefit of children's charities. More importantly, the dinner was a chance for McCain and Obama to showcase some of the funniest political humor around-- and it didn't involve The Daily Show, SNL, or The Colbert Report. Both men delivered incredibly witty speeches. Whoever wrote their speeches has a career in comedy in their future if they don't already. I was unable to find out who wrote the speeches. If anybody finds out, let us know.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

I attended a preview of the movie "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" Wednesday night and it did not disappoint. Besides the fact that it was free; it was very cute. While I may be closer in age to the characters in the "Sex and the City" movie than the characters in "Nick and Norah," I can definitely relate to the characters in "Nick and Norah" more. Okay, full disclosure--I've never actually seen the "Sex and the City" movie, but I have seen the show and no, that is not my New York. My New York is Nick and Norah's-- seeing bands play in the Lower East Side and in Brooklyn. I loved that the "Brooklyn Pool" bar in the movie was actually Union Pool. I also loved that Jay Baruchel, star of the hilariously endearing show "Undeclared," actually plays kind of a slimey dude. It's good to see him branch out. Once again, Michael Cera, the master at playing a tender young man, gives us facial expressions that made us fall in love with him on "Arrested Development". The whole cast did a great job creating a motley group of friends. Ari Graynor is brilliant as the sloppy, but lovable drunk friend.

This movie isn't earth shattering-- it has it's cliches. It's the tale of a boy who longs for the snotty girl while the cool girl he should be with is right under his nose. While it is a cliche, this sad story is repeated in real life over and over repeating on film is forgivable. With this charming cast you're willing to stick along for the ride in Nick's bright yellow Yugo.

Also, while the movie is called Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" the actual music in the film played a very minor role. I was surprised by how minor of a role it played. Unlike, Juno or a many, many other films ("Chariots of Fire" ?) the music is completely forgettable.

This is definitely a "New York" movie--and I'm pleased with the side of New York that it is showing. It's not about buying expensive shoes, bad fashion, and slurping cosmos; it's about seeing bands, loving music, and realizing crushes.

Critics of the film might knock the fact that this movie is geared towards a very specific demographic, but I say so what? A lot of films are. I'm just glad I'm in that group. I'd much rather hang out with Nick and Norah in Brooklyn at Union Pool than Carrie and Samantha in the Upper East side any day.

Go see this sweet film. It opens October 3.

Doggon it, can I call you Joe Sixpack?

The Vice Presidential Debate is over and if your expectations were at an abject low then yes, Palin did well for herself. She was able to speak in full sentences and did not crack. She was able to steer the debate to topics she wanted to discuss ( when she didn't want to answer a question directly (which she pretty much never did). She was the master or mistress of digression. I hope at least some of you out there were drinking as you watched the debates--I wish I had been. If I had been drinking I would have started a drinking game and would have drunk every time Palin said "maverick"-- I would've been hammered. Okay, so Palin is "folksy"-- now why is this good? What I know is not good is that she would remove a woman's right to choose an abortion even if that woman was the victim of rape. What is also is not so good is that under Palin's leadership rape victim's had to pay for their own rape investigation kits. Not so good. This woman is ignorant. This woman is scary. It does matter what she knows (or in her case what she doesn't know) because John McCain is old--very old and could possibly die in office. I would love to have a woman president, but not this woman. I don't even want her as a vice president.

Biden will no doubt be overshadowed by Palin's waxed eyebrows, highlights, and her ability to say words and phrases like "maverick" and "joe sixpack" (What does that mean? That can't be good), but I think he did a good job. He was a gentleman and did a better job actually answering questions than she did. He could have drilled her (go ahead say it--drill Baby, drill), but he didn't. And for all that people discuss Palin's folksy charm, I was touched by Biden's dicussion of being a single father. I think it made him seem more than just a life-long politician.

And Palin...President Bush , it's pronounced-- it's: nu-cle-ar.

Monday, September 22, 2008

" got into this business because you're funny and weird and socially awkward...."

Last night was the broadcast of the 60th Annual Emmy Awards. I'm sure there will be plenty of scathing and snarky posts about people's hair and dress missteps (do we really care??), but the real story lies with some of the acceptance speeches. Kudos to Laura Linney for her quietly courageous acceptance speech, for her role in "John Adams," in which she finished by thanking, "the community organizers who founded our country." To anyone living under a rock, this was clearly a nod of support for Obama and a retort to Republicans who mock Obama's noble political roots.

Speaking of rocks, "30 Rock" (see how I did that) was a big winner--garnering well deserved awards for best comedy series along with individual awards for Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey. Though, "30 Rock" hasn't been overwhelmingly popular with viewers, for my money it is the funniest show on tv today. Every episode is jam packed with hilarious lines, perfectly delivered by hilarious actors. How can you not fall in love with a show that has lines like, "Never let a hippie take you to a second location"? "30 Rock" is smart and...hilarious. This is both Tina Fey's and Alec Bladwin's best work. Let's hope the show doesn't languish like the amazing, but cancelled "Arrested Development".

I was pleased to see not only "30 Rock" win big, but I was also glad that "Mad Men" picked up a few awards too, including Best Drama. If you aren't watching this show already, netflix the old episodes and start watching on Sunday nights. The dialogue is clever and snappy. The sets and costumes are gorgeous throwbacks without being kitschy and the acting is superlative. This show definitely has a welcomed dark edge--most of the characters are square, but the show sure isn't.

Thanks to funny bits by Ricky Gervais, Steve Carell, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert the Emmy Awards Show had some life to it. Steve Martin's award presentation speech for Tommy Smother was a hoot. Which brings me back to why last night Emmys celebration was special--Tommy Smother's used his acceptance speech to address our dire and appalling political situation here in the United States. People complain about Hollywood actors discussing politics, but as a friend of mine pointed out artists have always discussed politics. And really, aren't actors citizens too? Wait, I think I've heard this speech before. Anyway, bravo to funny, politically, and socially conscious people. Thanks for reminding why I love tv.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Francoise Hardy - Une fille comme tant d'autres - 1963

Ye Ye I know it's been a while....

Apologies, "The Charades" fan(s)! I know I have been derelict in my blogging duties. You know, work and life and stuff have impeded my progress. I don't need to that explain to you, though, because: 1)You're not the boss of me and 2) You know how it is. I kid! Let me give you all a sincere guilt ridden New England Irish Catholic apology and let's move past it so I can sleep at night. Whew! Glad that's done.

To make it up to you, I wanted to give you a heads up that there is a Ye Ye Girls Lecture at the Fashion Institute of Technology tonight at 6:00pm. You must RSVP. You can find out more details at: See "Fashion Culture: Special Educational Programs."

Also, in effort to mollify my dear readers I am posting a video of the ultimate Ye Ye girl-- Francoise Hardy.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Improv Everywhere Frozen Grand Central

Makin' Mayhem in the Big Apple. Improv Everywhere strikes again! Thank God Jackie O saved the station for this. Dropped Papers Guy and Holding Hands Couple--brilliant!